Farrens in Oz

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Fiji here we come....

After what has been a very intense first seven months down in Australia we are all now very ready for a break and ten days sat on a beach in Fiji.

For those of you who are interested www.firstlandingfiji.com will give you some idea of where we are.

Nikki has done another sterling job this week as I have had to be in Auckland for a couple of days....we are now looking forward to some relaxing family time, swimming, snorkelling, books, sleeping, sunning, picking umbrellas out of fruit cocktail glasses by the pool etc, etc....... Holiday mood has well and truly started for the boys....they went wild on their bikes in the park this afternoon...and that was after having their hair dyed purple yesterday for Wild Hair Day to end the term.

We have a shocking start at 4am tomorrow so bed time is nigh upon us at 7pm on a Melbourne evening...just have to finish cleaning down the BBQ from our traditional Aussie cook-out tonight and then we are away with the fairies.

Will up date blog with some pictures on our return but in meantime content yourselves with imagine of beach that we shall barely be moving from for the next ten days.


Blogger Paul Morriss said...

I don't know about contenting ourselves, maybe going green! The Cornish beaches just aren't the same!

12:46 PM  

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